Welcome to San Francisco State University’s Division of Student Life! We're thrilled to have you as a part of the vibrant Gator community here at SF State. Whether you're embarking on your academic journey, collaborating as a campus partner, or supporting your student, the Division of Student Life and Dean of Students team is committed to providing unwavering support. From orientation and engagement to guidance, advocacy, and accountability, we're here to ensure your success throughout your time with us. Our departments – including Dean of Students, Campus Recreation, New Student & Family Programs, Residential Life, Student Activities & Events, and the Office of Student Conduct – contribute to a vibrant campus life. Discover the wealth of programs, services, and resources that will enrich your experience.
As a former first-generation college student, I understand the unique blend of excitement and challenges you may encounter. Reach out to our Dean on Call for assistance whenever needed. To students, I encourage you to embrace the SF State experience by creating memorable moments, exploring new interests, and engaging in leadership, volunteering, and scholarship. To campus partners, I look forward to collaboration that enhances our community. And to student supporters/parents, I assure you of our commitment to your student's well-being and success. I invite you to share your journey with us at SF State as my team stands ready to support you. Looking forward to meeting you all around campus!
In Gator Spirit,
Dean Miguel