Peer to peer education is often a powerful tool in empowering students. Below are a few opportunities to become a peer educator on campus.
Prevention Education Programs
Prevention Education Programs provides services, resources and programming through its two programs, The CEASE (Creating Empowerment through Alcohol and Substance Abuse Education) Program and The SAFE Place. The CEASE Program is a campus-wide alcohol and other drug education program created to educate students about alcohol and other drugs, to provide support services for all students grappling with substance related problems through assessment, counseling and referrals. The CEASE Program sponsors workshops and seminars, participates in on-campus information fairs, and additionally, provides training to volunteers who work with other students, faculty, and staff to assist in creating a campus environment that reinforces healthy lifestyles. The SAFE Place at SF State is a resource center for sexual violence prevention and crisis intervention. SAFE Place serves the campus community in the areas of sexual assault, domestic violence, sexual harassment and stalking.
How to Get Involved?
Prevention Education Programs offers a variety of student involvement opportunities including Students for a SAFE Campus, the Men’s Prevention Team, The SAFE Place and CEASE peer programs. Students for a SAFE Campus strives to educate students and instill awareness concerning rape, sexual assault, domestic, violence harassment and battery. Students meet weekly during the semester to work on programs and events for students on campus. Men’s Prevention Team (MPT) is comprised of male allies working to provide sexual violence prevention education on campus. MPT meets weekly to plan male specific programming such as Walk in Her Heels and CockTales. The SAFE Place Peer Program students enrolled in Counseling 605/ 606 classes volunteer 20 hours of service a semester. Students meet weekly to plan programs such as The Clothesline Project, Sexual Assault Awarensss Month Event and The Vagina Monolgues. CEASE's Peer Program offers students the opportunity to serve as peer mentors to create and coordinate programs for students on the topics of healthy living as it relates to alcohol and other drugs. Peers work with students to educate on the potential negative effects alcohol and other drugs may have on their own life as well as their family, friends and community.
For more information check out The SAFE Place Volunteer Programs and the CEASE (Creating Empowerment through Alcohol and Substance Abuse Education) website.