Response Protocol

Chart picture

Follow the chart above to determine who to connect when faced with a distressed student.

Is the student a danger to self or others, or does the student need immediate assistance for any reason?


  • IF YES

The student’s conduct is clearly and imminently reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening including self-harm behavior.

Call 911 or Campus Police: (415) 338-7200



The student shows signs of distress but I am unsure how serious it is. My interaction has left me feeling uneasy and/or really concerned about the student.

Consult with and/or refer to the Counseling Psychological Services: (415) 338 - 2208, TDD: (415) 338-4321


  • NO

I’m not concerned for the student’s immediate safety, but he or she is having significant academic and/or personal issues and could use some support or additional resources.

Refer students to the Action Care Team by submitting a Student of Concern Incident Report.