Federal CARES Act

What is the Federal CARES Act?

The U.S. government provided emergency funding to colleges and universities in response to the COVID pandemic. The CARES Act was the first round of funding. This webpage outlines how the campus has utilized these funds in support of students and the institutional mission.

The CRRSAA provided the second round of Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF). To find more information about the Federal CRRSAA funds, please visit the CSU CRRSAA page. The latest round of HEERF funding is called the American Rescue Plan (ARP). For more information about the ARP, please visit the CSU ARP page.

Higher Education Relief Fund Results

San Francisco State University received $14,362,954 in Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students pursuant to signing the required Certification and Agreement with the U.S. Department of Education. The entire allocation has been fully awarded and disbursed to eligible students as of May 15, 2020. A total of 18,318 students were identified as eligible to be considered for the emergency grants under the federal guidelines. A total of 14,364 eligible students received emergency grants through this program. The method used by San Francisco State to determine which students received awards and the instructions which were available to students at that time follow.

Who is eligible?

All currently enrolled SF State undergraduate, graduate and professional students who are eligible to receive federal financial aid and were not enrolled in a completely online program as of March 13, 2020, may be considered for emergency grants funded by HEERF. Even if students have current financial holds or owe the campus fees or fines, they are still eligible for this program. All other currently enrolled students may be considered for emergency grants through the HOPE Crisis Fund program.

What can the grants fund?

The CSU Cares emergency grants are designed to support student expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. These expenses might include food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child-care expenses. Grants will be disbursed electronically to student banking accounts or via check.

What were the grant amounts?

Grant amounts vary by campus and by student, depending on campus resources and student circumstances. However, grant awards provided via HEERF dollars will not be restricted by cost of attendance ceilings and will also not be counted against a student’s future financial aid award.

How were HEERF grant amounts determined at San Francisco State?

Grant amounts were based on each student’s documented financial need and in proportion to the financial difficulty faced as a result of COVID-19. To be eligible for HEERF funds, students must have filed a FAFSA and have been deemed eligible to receive Federal Aid funds by the U.S. Department of Education and the campus financial aid office by April 21, 2020. Eligible students were then divided into three categories:

Group 1

Students with the lowest income status who received maximum state and/or federal aid. Students with an official expected family contribution (EFC) of $0 to $4,000 were placed in this group. Group 1 students received an automatic grant award of $1,000 if enrolled full-time. The amount was prorated if less than full-time. Students in Group 1 were also able to apply for additional funds of $250 to $2,000. (See the section on applying for additional funds below.)

Group 2

Students with some financial need prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students with an official expected family contribution (EFC) of $4,001 to $8,000 were placed in this group. Group 2 students received an automatic grant award of $750 if enrolled full-time. The amount was if less than full-time. Students in Group 2 were also able to apply for additional funds of $250 to $2,000. (See the section on applying for additional funds below.)

Group 3

Eligible students without regard to prior state and/or federal aid received. Students with an official expected family contribution (EFC) greater than $8,000 were placed in this group. Students in Group 3 did not receive an automatic grant award but were able to apply for additional funds of $250 to $2,000. (See the section on applying for additional funds below.)

How could I have applied for additional funds?

Students who are eligible for federal student aid (Groups 1, 2 and 3 above) were able to apply for additional HEERF funds through a simple application process. Eligible students in Group 1, 2 and 3 saw a “CARES Funds Application” link in the Financial Aid section in the Student Center. The application was available May 4, 2020. For priority consideration during the spring term, grant applications had to be received by May 11, 2020. Awards of $250 to $2,000 will be made based on the COVID-19 expenses incurred. If more applications were received than funding available, additional consideration based on financial need and other resources available were utilized. The campus notified priority applicants of a decision by May 21, 2020.

Students were asked to describe the expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic for which they were seeking support. These may include items such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child care. They must also briefly describe any financial hardship they are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students who have questions about the application process should contact the Financial Aid Office.

How long will it take to receive HEERF funds?

We know these are times of great need. We are working very hard to disburse eligible students’ awards as quickly as possible. Students in Groups 1 and 2 had automatic grants applied to their student account by April 30. Students applying for additional funds during the priority application period were posted around May 21, 2020. If awarded, students can select Account Activity in the drop down of the Finances section in the Student Center and see a CARES Act award posted. Funds will be disbursed via direct deposit for those who have previously designated their bank information for this purpose. Once posted in the student account, direct deposit funds are normally received in the student’s bank account in three business days. Students who have not signed up for direct deposit will receive a check in the mail. Allow at least 10 business days for receipt of checks. Wells Fargo will cash this check at no charge for students who do not have a bank account. Students who see an award posted but have not received the funds after these time periods should contact the Bursar’s Office.

Institutional Portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund information

The Funding Certification and Agreement for the Institutional Portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund was signed and returned on April 24, 2020. Pursuant to the agreement, our campus was awarded $14,362,974. Although we have received the authorization to draw down funds, at this time we have not utilized the entire institutional portion allocated to our campus. These funds will be drawn down during the FY20-21 fiscal year, following the CARES Act guidance. 

Minority Serving Institution Funds (MSI) — Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

The Funding Certification and Agreement for the MSI Portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund was signed and returned on June 1, 2020. Pursuant to the agreement, our campus was awarded $2,192,920. Although we have received the authorization to draw down funds, at this time we have not utilized the MSI Portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund. These funds will be drawn down during the FY20-21 fiscal year, following the CARES Act guidance.


Quarterly reports on CARES drawdown are available for the following quarters:

Quarter ending September 30, 2020

Quarter ending December 31, 2020

Reporting: CARES Student Fund Reporting as of September 30, 2020. All funds disbursed.

Quarter ending March 31, 2021

Quarter ending March 31, 2021 (revision)

Quarter ending March 31, 2021 (revision#2)

Quarter ending June 30, 2021

Quarter ending June 30, 2021 (revision)

Quarter ending September 30, 2021

Quarter ending December 31, 2021 

Quarter ending December 31, 2021 (revision)

Quarter ending March 31, 2022  

Quarter ending June 30, 2022

Quarter ending June 30, 2022 (revision)

Quarter ending June 30, 2022 (revision #2)

Quarter ending September 30, 2022

Quarter ending September 30, 2022 (revision)

Quarter ending September 30, 2022 (revision #2) 

Quarter ending December 31, 2022

Quarter ending December 31, 2022 (revision)

Quarter ending December 31, 2022 (revision #2)

Quarter ending March 31, 2023

Quarter ending March 31, 2023 (revision)

Quarter ending March 31, 2023 (revision #2)

Quarter ending March 31, 2023 (revision #3)

Quarter ending June 30, 2023

Quarter ending June 30, 2023 (revision)